
Grace Notes: 3/28/25
Grace Notes

March 28, 2025

Beloved of Grace,

Thank you so much to everyone who came to our first Greater Grace event! We had a large crowd writing letters and thank you notes. Please bring all your letters with you to church this Sunday. We will bless them at the 10 am service, and then mail them for you.

Adult Education: the Icons of Holy Week. Come for the next two Sundays (3/30 and 4/6) to learn about prayers and icons. We will discuss what an icon is, how to pray with an icon, and learn about some of the icons of Holy Week. Join us at 11:30 in the church addition.

Hope to see you all this Sunday.


Quick Note: The church office will be closed this Monday, March 31st, and will re-open Tuesday morning.
You are invited this Sunday, March 30th!

The 5th-8th Graders (The Kids Council) are hosting a Classic Video Game Day social event.
Date: March 30th
Time: 12pm
Location: The Parish Hall

The event is open so invite your friends! Pizza will be provided.

Please RSVP  to Michelle: by 3/28 so she knows how many pies to order.

Michelle & The Kids Council
This Sunday March 30th from 4-6pm
Yoga For ALS Research - Honoring Sarah Knox
Sarah's husband Dave and her son Rory are dear friends of Grace. We continue to pray for Sarah and her health. If you would like to support ALS and the Knox family at a deeper level, please join us for Yoga For ALS Research this Sunday 4-6pm at HudCo. 145 Palisade Street in Dobbs Ferry. RSVP, Tickets $75 include 1-hour gentle yoga, light bites, and a cash bar. Sarah, Dave and Rory will be there. No need to participate in the yoga class to attend. Donations to Project ALS
Thank you!
Please sign-up HERE

Links this week at Grace:

Sunday Morning Worship - Zoom
Sunday, March 30th @ 9am
The bulletin for Sunday is HERE.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study - Zoom
Bible Study & Spiritual Discussion this Wednesday, April 2nd @ Noon

The reading for Wednesday's Bible Study is HERE.

Click HERE and HERE for Bible study commentaries.


Want to give to Grace Church? Scan the QR code or give via
Sunday (3/30) - Zoom Service @ 9am
                          Lector: Catherine Collier
Sunday (3/30) In-person Worship 10:00am     
                 Altar Guild: David Agosto
                   Ushers: David Agosto

                   Lectors: Dennis Prahl, Christine Cavallomagno
                   Chalice Bearer: Dennis Prahl
                   Counters: Katie Appel Duda, Marc Gouran
                     Coffee Hour: Sharon Mias & Bob Tardio
Bible Study & Spiritual Discussion this Wednesday, April 2nd @ Noon

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